Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been surprising the world for years and has been a topic of conversation in the growing technological generation. People are both excited and astonished by what artificial intelligence can do. The uncertainty of artificial intelligence scares many people, and the stereotypical idea that AI will take over the world continues to resonate with many as it become more powerful. There is a wide range of positive and negative aspects on AI, and the video “Age of AI” explores this range throughout different tasks that AI is growing to accomplish.

Artificial Intelligence in the Medical Field

Artificial intelligence has proven to advance the medical field and has created life-saving technologies that can do more than previously imagined. The future can be a scary thing when there seems to be so much room for the worst possible outcome. But when it comes to AI, there is positive hope for the future of medicine. 

In today’s world of medicine, we are able to detect cancers earlier than ever before, allowing for quicker,
 more efficient life saving actions and procedures to be taken. Yet, there is still more that can be done. Artificial intelligence shows promise in this. There is hope that in the near future, AI will allow for even earlier detection of cancerous lumps in the breast. 

With earlier detections from AI imaging technology, could come a larger survival rate in women with breast cancer. This is a revolutionary advancement that brings a positive outlook on Artificial Intelligence and how it can help our society. AI is used in medicine in so many different ways than we think. 

Artificial Intelligence on the Road

While there are several positive aspects of AI that are even contributing to life saving advancements, the fear remains in many people. There is a stereotype around AI through pop culture and movies that AI will take over the world and replace all humans. 

In the “Age of AI” video, we see a truck driver who’s source of income is his job as a driver. AI is currently growing to include self driving trucks. In the case that AI takes over that industry, people will begin to lose jobs and possibly have trouble finding new jobs. 

On top of this idea of AI replacing people and jobs, people fear that the intelligence of AI will overpower human intelligence to the point that AI will outsmart humans and control them. One instance of this evident intelligence over humans was in the video when Artificial Intelligence was able to beat one of the best game players with a move that he did not even anticipate. The AI completely outsmarted the human in the game. People are fearing, how far will this go?

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