Thursday, April 1, 2021

Eight First Amendment Values

The first amendment, protecting Americans freedom of speech, is much more complex than just having the right to be able to speak your mind. There are values that people hold closer than others, and are motivated by different things as to why the first amendment is so important for their words, actions and ideas. There are eight specific values and they are as follows: Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent.

Out of the eight aforementioned values, there are a few that I hold closer for me personally, as well as a few that I believe are more important and connect more to today's society and issues that are occurring. These are promoting tolerance, promoting innovation, and individual self-fulfillment.

Promote Tolerance

Tolerance is a big aspect in America today and can be taken in many different ways. The first amendment which grants the right to freedom of speech, in a way, forces tolerance amongst Americans, as there is not much that can be done against speech alone. I feel that tolerance should be common amongst people,  however respect should be given to everyone. It is one thing to be tolerant but it is another thing to be respectful. It is okay that people can think what they want and say what they want. What isn't okay is for them to abuse this right to belittle and disrespect others, especially if it is against their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Tolerance is key and people should tolerate other's opinion, how people need to not only tolerate but respect others lives and choices. 

Promote Innovation

"A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways" (Balkin, Living Originalism). Innovation is key to a creative world; because of the first amendment, I, along with every other American, has the right to express oneself creatively and freely. Without the protection of the first amendment, many creative endeavors that have changed history, would not have been able to happen. I hold this value close to me because I plan to express myself creative me through my future career. As an entertainment journalist, and hopeful TV host, creativity is key to success. Without the value of promoting innovation supported by the first amendment, this would be extremely difficult to do.

Individual Self-Fulfillment

Similar to promoting information, the first amendment protects the idea of individual self-fulfillment. This helps people to explore themselves and create their own identity. I feel that this is important in today's society. People's free speech often discourages and looks down upon others decisions, which induces fear and insecurity. However, the first amendment encourages individual self-fulfillment and allows people to express themselves in whichever way they desire. This is so important to me, because I strongly believe that people should be who they truly want to be, no matter the circumstance. 

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