Tuesday, April 27, 2021

EOTO Reaction: The Power of Apple

The Apple company has taken over the world since its beginning in 1976. The company started with a focus on computers by co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Before 1997, people doubted that Apple would survive, according to an article discussing the history of Apple. 

 From there, the founders sought out refuge for their company by developing the iPod, and later on the iPhone. Each of these devices were discussed in EOTO presentations, and the growth of these technologies in a short time period proves how strong the technological generation truly is.

The iPod came in with the revolutionary idea to create a device that could be used for portable music. Capabilities of this first generation iPod did not extend far, but over time it was developed from a simple MP3 to versions with ranging colors, to colored screens, and eventually the complex device we know today as the iPod Touch which functions as a cellular phone without the data connection.

This concept was discussed through the EOTO as the device that parents can give their children who are too young for a phone, but old enough for an entertainment device with some forms of communication. The growth of the iPod was revolutionary and led to multiple other inventions. 

Shortly after the iPod came the iPhone. The iPhone started with the 2G model. The presenter of the iPhone EOTO discussed the differences in capabilities from the first iPhone model to the most recent release. One of the most impressive facts on the development of the iPhone was the difference in storage. 

The iPhone 2G started with a storage 4GB. The most recent model of the iPhone, the iPhone 12, can hold
up to 256GB of storage. The iPhone also developed to have customizations like the iPod with different color selections. A difference between the iPod and iPhone is that the iPod was originally developed as a simple MP3 while the iPhone was developed to be a multiple application device from the start.

The growth of the company Apple is one of the most impressive to date over a somewhat short period of
time for many of their devices, like the iPhone. According to statistia, Apple recorded maintaining an average sales growth of 23% over nearly 2 decades. The company does this through continuously launching new products of appeal to the public, from not only the EOTO presented iPod and iPhone, but also the iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and more!

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